An Idea on Possibilities of Bigfoot Diet

An Idea on Possibilities of Bigfoot Diet


Iv been studying these creatures for a number of years now trying to figure them out on deeper level than just do they really exist, that question is no doubt a yes they do exist. My question is more of how they exist. What do they do to feed themselves and what do they eat? Are they specialists or generalists, vegetarian, carnivore, or omnivore? What kind of lifestyle and living habits do they practice? These are only a few of the many things I am trying to learn and some of them I think I may have figured out to some extent, though much more research needs to be done to fully understand them as a whole, and as a personality.

It has been well written and established in theory by many researchers that water is detrimental to their habitation requirements and I must agree. Water is detrimental to many creatures’ habitat requirements aside from the species adapted to dry conditions where water is in scarce supply. That is well known and needs no real further explanation I believe. The majority of alleged bigfoot sighting reports do seem to be in areas near to water sources or with water sources in close proximity so it would be easy to assume the bigfoot-water connection.

So with being predominantly near water sources then water would appear as a necessity with them as it is with most any other animal. No surprise there, which leads me to the question of water as possibly being an influence to the plants that they may utilize as a potential food source and how often this utilization may occur to provide them with them with needed calories. I know from several locations I have researched that were in water sources that they do seem to move through the water as much as they seem to be on land quite often. At least that was the impression at those times. It seemed that they were using the water sources to move from spot to spot then reappearing on land in different spots. There are several species of plants edible to humans that grow in and on the edge of these water sources that makes one wonder if they could be utilizing these plants for food. Depending on the area there can be a wide variety of edible plant species in any season growing in close proximity to one another. Naturally certain seasons harbor better selections than others in variety and abundance. At the present I am working on a catalog of all edible plants found in each area that I and the Texas Unified Natural Research team have been investigating.

On a few occasions we have heard what could only be described as killing of feral hogs. The sounds are quite distinctive and fairly universal in sound. Usually consisting of loud thumps resembling a large log hitting the ground followed by the hog squealing in pain, then sometimes the sound of something being hit, then silence. On one occasion I could hear a whoop call then several different voices of distinctive chatter all moving towards the whoop call. With the whoop call coming from the same direction that the sound of the hog being killed came from only minutes before. This and several other similar occurrences have been witnessed by myself and other members of my team on different occasions giving me the idea that feral hogs must be a major meat source for them. Being a major exotic invasive species and in very large populations here in south east Texas there is no surprise that feral hogs would be an easy and abundant food source.

In addition to the feral hogs there are healthy populations of deer as well as smaller game animals including rabbits, squirrels, etc. There is no short supply of bird species either, species ranging from very small to quite large in size. Many species could be utilized in some way as a possible food source. There have been statements of them removing eggs and killing birds in some places. In most areas I research I have not found any conclusive evidence supporting that this is happening here, I do leave it open as a possibility though. Possibly utilizing these as a of supplemental food source, utilizing them when the opportunity arises, yet not relying on them in any major or significant way.

With the amounts of food sources of different type readily available around the types of habitat that the bigfoot creatures are most commonly sighted according to reports and my own experience in the field I have come to the conclusion that they are most likely opportunistic omnivores. There is a strong chance of having a hunter gatherer type of lifestyle having a major predominate diet of hunted animals for meat and gathered plants. With a good chance of utilizing what is easily available for caloric intake with the minimal amount of energy expenditure. So in conclusion I would suspect them to most probably have a main diet of seasonally available plants, as well as large animals that are in abundance making hunting them easier, with the additional utilization of anything that they come across and can obtain easily to supplement their diet to raise their caloric intake with the minimal amount of energy expenditure.

Brandon Garrett