Just A Few Helpful Hints and Tricks I Have Learned Over the Years

I decided to put together a list of helpful tricks that I often use with good success while in the field. Iv been asked many times for advice on these subjects and decided I would put this together to help everyone out that might want to employ them. These are little tricks that I often employ myself and have found to be very effective.

Depending on your location and eco region not every thing I present here might work as effectively for you but that is another aspect that really needs to be taken into consideration as well. Each region is different in it’s ecology and biodiversity. This is a major consideration that is often ignored by people. What works in one location may not work in another, this I believe is due to the habitual differences, and with different habitats you have different animals adapted to them respectively.

1. The light versus dark debate-

Well it has been my experience that having light in the camp has drawn in more activity closer to the camp then if I keep it dark. If I keep a lantern on in the camp at night I have found that it seems to gain more attention towards the camp especially if other nearby camps are completely dark. I think this is probably because there is usually always human activity going on in the camp all night long. While some of the team is asleep some are also awake as well. Being a curious being they seem to be attracted to that activity and seem to know if there is light then there will be activity as well and they sometimes seem to gravitate towards our camp for this reason I suspect.

2. Flashlights-

Many people will say no flashlights at all because you need to be totally dark when walking out there at all times. Well I disagree about this for these reasons, first yes a red light is great to use to see where your going and it prevents your loss of night vision and should be employed most of the time, yet the periodic perimeter sweep of a bright white light can often times reveal animals that you never knew were there simply because your red light didn’t reach out far enough to see them and you could not hear them. It is a major misconception that you will hear animals walking around close to you. That is not all ways the case. There have been quite a few times when I or a member of my team have noticed a deer or other animal there that none of us had heard and otherwise may have never known was there if it were not for a sweep of the area with a flash light from time to time.

3. Being stealthy-

I have found the being stealthy in the woods is not always the way to go when hunting for bigfoot, yes if you are hunting for deer, hogs, or any other type of game then you don’t want to make much noise while stalking your prey but when it comes to hunting bigfoot then make some noise. You are hunting a predator with a high curiosity not a skittish prey animal. Your not going to scare them away as many people seem to think. You want them to know your there because again you are playing with their curiosity. Consider it like a mind game, your baiting them but instead of putting out tasty treats that they care nothing about you are the bait and that they want to see just as much as you want to see them. Yourself is always the best bait for bigfoot.  Noise is vital if you look at the reports its more often the campers or hikers or just regular people acting normal that have the best sightings and encounters. Yes many hunters do as well but these encounters are do to them coming up on them by accident most often. It is the people acting normal that most often have the best encounters and I have tried both approaches myself and have found that the normal actions have led to the most encounters. Stay alert to what is going on around you but make the appearance that your not and they will come much closer to you more often.